+94 0777277554 (whatsapp)
Freeriders Kite Tours is Sri Lanka’s premier downwind company. We have been running epic kite tours from Kalpitiya to Jaffna since 2015. Sri Lanka is absolutely a kite and downwind paradise. Kalpitiya peninsula is blessed with amazing lagoons and the the adjoining Puttalam lagoon and Dutch bay are home to 14 islands, many of which host mirror flat water and pumping wind of 20+ knots daily.
Read moreOur main base for our downwind operations is the famous little Kite House Café. A cozy nature camp with unique accommodation and one of the best restaurants in the area. Kite House is located directly on the Kappalady Kite Lagoon which is one of the best kite spots on the peninsula.
One of the top kite schools in the region and a really nice kite camp run by some really passionate people. They too share the love for wind action and adventure! Located near Kalpitiya Lagoon they have a wide range of accommodation and a really nice beach front.
Two amazing resorts located in Alankuda. They boast top quality accommodation with all the creature comforts like swimming pool right on the beach. They offer kite lessons and rentals as well.
I fulfilled myself the long dream of kitesurfing in 2011, when I went to Mauritius, Le Morne. After four weeks kitesurfing vacation was clear that I want to spend my free time and almost all vacations with kite surfing. Since I learned kitesurfing in Mauritius on my own, I wanted to know more about safety and theory. The following year I made my IKO Instructor (Level 1) in Tarifa, Andualusia, Spain.
I found my style relatively quick, free riding in flat water and in waves, big airs, preferably long downwind, where I have everything at once. In 2012, I met Chris, not surprisingly at a local kite spot in Otterstadt (Germany). An immediate sympathy quickly developed into a very close friendship and we started to plan our kitesurfing trips together.
In Sri Lanka we found the perfect spot for us: The vast Puttalam Lagoon, Dutch and Portugal Bay at 100% wind guarantee, riding with fast kite, far away from the mainstream kite tourism.There, surrounded by the diverse nature and friendly locals, extended downwind, countless flat water spots in just one session on the board. Just to simply enjoy this, is my great passion. I would like to share all of that with like-minded people.
Oh, the other half of the year I spend in Germany, where I work as a Mechanical engineer in the Energy sector.
He is an easy going individual and an adventure addict. Born in Colombo, Sri Lanka he later migrated to the USA where he became an avid mountain climber, snowboarder, paragliding pilot and environmental conservationist. He is also a PADI Divemaster and IKO Instructor. Eventually he came back to Sri Lanka and moved to Kalpitiya to work as a diver and check out the budding kitesurfing scene.
He can best advise you on what’s happening above and below the highly active seas off Kalpitiya, being an instrumental founding member of Kalpitiya's first PADI dive center. He also has good knowledge of dolphin and whale activity and local fishing culture.
When it comes to Kiting as well, you can count on Keira for the best knowledge of the many kite spots in our area. In July 2016 he was part of a small group that was the first to kite downwind from Kalpitiya to Jaffna some 300km away. He made the journey in only his second season of kiting, and well now is a total downwind addict bringing his passion into the trips.
Kitesurfing has become one of my great passions, forms of expression and freedom. All my life I have been seeking adventure. Growing up in Sri Lanka I was privileged to spend time in some wild places. I spent the second half of my life in the United States, where I spent much of my time trekking through the mountains and wilderness, snowboarding, riding motor bikes and snowmobiles and even became a paragliding pilot.
I came to Kalpitiya initially in 2014 to work as a PADI Divemaster and set up a diving company. While I was cruising around on boats looking for new dive sites I met Chris and Mike who were doing a similar thing in looking for new kite spots. Our similar energy levels and passion for exploration were the makings for an immediate friendship. Soon they had me flying a kite and within a couple of month’s we were downwinding up to 60km daily along the wild and beautiful Puttalam Lagoon and Dutch and Portugal Bays.
Even before I started kiting with Mike and Chris they told me of their wild plan to kite from Kalpitiya to Jaffna, hundreds of kilometers away, and they said I’m coming with them. Sure enough about a year later we set off on that epic journey. Kiting along some of the wildest coastline in Sri Lanka, passing dense jungle and epic landscapes. Eventually I became an IKO instructor and started pushing the long distance missions.
Today our mission is our passion, which is using the amazing sport of kite surfing to adventure, be close to nature and experience some of the best spots there are to be ridden.
In 2006 I had my first experience with a kite and was immediately hooked on this sport. As father of two children I travelled with my family in our bulli to many European kite spots. With experience in kite buggy and snowkiting, in 2011 I came across a kite surfing class in the island of Djerba, Tunesia.
Since the first time I traveled with Micha to Sri Lanka, I was fascinated by the country, the warmth of its people, the exotic botany and of course the 100% wind guarantee. To escape the typical overcrowded kite surfing tourism areas we discovered together the vastness and beauty of the Puttalam lagoon, Dutch Bay and Portugal Bay.
Through countless FreeRide KiteTours, we know now where the best spots are. I would like to share those unforgettable impressions with you. In order to offer you the fullest safety on the water, in 2015 I received my IKO Assistant Instructor certification.
Freeriders Kite Tours is Sri Lanka’s premier downwind company. We have been running epic kite tours from Kalpitiya to Jaffna since 2015. Sri Lanka is absolutely a kite and downwind paradise. Kalpitiya peninsula is blessed with amazing lagoons and the the adjoining Puttalam lagoon and Dutch bay are home to 14 islands, many of which host mirror flat water and pumping wind of 20+ knots daily.
We are now running our local tours daily and on demand our mega multiday downwind trips from Kalpitiya to Mannar and Mannar to Jaffna. This is a total of more than 300km of wild and amazing coastline. Check us out and join us for the kite adventure of a lifetime.
All our trips are led by guides who are IKO certified and very experienced operating in the North West of Sri Lanka. We are supported fulltime by land support vehicles and rescue boats with experienced crew.
Freeriders kite tours is a kite surfing team that started out in early 2014 by two Germans and one Sri Lankan who have a passion for outdoor sports and kitesurfing. We started out downwinding every corner of the massive Puttalam lagoon and Dutch Bay areas systematically mapping out the landscape and access points. Initially we had no rescue team, just some determined riders, a bottle of water and packet of biscuits.
Very soon our goals became bigger and our target was to kitesurf downwind more that 300km from Kalpitiya to Jaffna. Many said this was crazy and impossible but after two years of planning and research we finally set off in Mid July, 2016 with a 5-man kite team, and a land support 4x4.
It took us 4 days and in the end closer to 400km to Reach Jaffna. Our hard work and planning had paid off and our success was then featured in the German Kiteboarding magazine and English KiteWorld magazine and we made the Colombo newspapers several times.
In 2017 we did another run from Kalpitiya to Jaffna, this was our first test tour with guest riders, it was a huge success and we received great support from the Sri Lanka Navy. Now we are permitted by the armed forces to operate such tours in the wild and remote North West and receive continued support from the Navy. This is how the ultimate Sri Lankan downwinder was born!
Keira Perera
Info, Bookings, Travel Assistance
+94 0777277554 (whatsapp)
Axel P
+33 69277251 (whatsapp)
Michael L
+49 15209733731 (whatsapp)
Anais G
+94 077 993 4453 (whatsapp)